Game Online
Opponents of soldiers from all over the world in the game World War II online shooter best on Android! This game brings you into the arena of World War II, including his military vehicle!
World War Heroes there are 7 modes:
- Hardcore Mode
- Deathmatch
- Team Deathmatch
- The Fashion Bomb
- Team Squad
- Panzer Battle Team
- Custom Mode
- 7 the legendary battles of World War II!
- 4 types of vehicles from different countries: the U.S., Russia, Japan, and Germany!
- 5 game modes and mode custom according to aturanmu yourself!
- 57 unique weapon: pistols, assault rifles, machine guns, shotguns, and more!
World War Heroes 1.8.3
Blog CH Daimon Z
Install Data :
Data World War Heroes Kalian Extrak dan Copy Ke Penyimpanan Internal => Android => obb
Data World War Heroes you guys Extrak and Copy to Internal storage => Android => obb
Data World War Heroes
WORLD WAR HEROES Lawan prajurit dari seluruh penjuru dunia dalam game penembak online Perang Dunia II terbaik di Android! Permainan ini membawamu ke arena Perang Dunia II, termasuk kendaraan militernya!
World War Heroes ada 7 mode:
World War Heroes ada 7 mode:
- Moda Hardcore
- Deathmatch
- Deathmatch Tim
- Mode Bom
- Team Squad
- Pertempuran Panzer Tim
- Mode Custom
- 7 pertempuran legendaris dari Perang Dunia II!
- 4 tipe kendaraan dari negara berbeda: AS, Rusia, Jepang, dan Jerman!
- 5 mode permainan dan mode custom sesuai aturanmu sendiri!
- 57 tipe senjata unik: pistol, senapan serbu, senapan mesin, shotgun, dan banyak lagi!