This is a story about you. The story that is in your body ...
According to a study, the average human body contains roughly 37 trillion cells. Cells that work hard every day. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the tissues of the body. While white blood cells work against bacteria that tried to go in the body.
According to a study, the average human body contains roughly 37 trillion cells. Cells that work hard every day. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the tissues of the body. While white blood cells work against bacteria that tried to go in the body.
Ini yakni dongeng tentangmu. Kisah yang ada di dalam tubuhmu...
Menurut sebuah studi, rata-rata badan insan mengandung sekitar 37 triliun sel. Sel-sel tersebut bekerja keras setiap hari. Sel Darah Merah membawa oksigen ke jaringan tubuh. Sementara Sel Darah Putih bekerja melawan basil yang mencoba masuk dalam tubuh.